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SPED 8404: Organization and Administration of Special Education Programs

Course Description

This guide contains library resources and other resources to support SPED 8404. 

Course Description:

The purpose of this course is to contribute to the development of special education leaders who are equipped to think and act more effectively for the benefit of individuals with disabilities, families, and the organizations that serve disability populations. Students will examine the organization, administration, and supervision of special education programs provided by schools, agencies, and other support services, with particular emphasis on the role of the special education leader within such organizations. Students will research the development, implementation, and evaluation of effective program designs, and the analysis of leadership practices and personnel performance as factors in program efficacy. The impact of federal legislation, as well as state and local regulatory policies and procedures, on the development and implementation of effective programs will be addressed.

Learning Outcomes

Class learning outcomes

  • Analyze and apply practical knowledge of the current guidelines for the organization and administration of special education, related services, and agency based delivery systems with emphasis on IDEA, ADA, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
  • Critically assess current and emerging practices and policies in special and general education, including the latest issues and trends in inclusion, early childhood education (ECE), transition and independent living skills, Response to Intervention (RTI), and evidence-based practice in the contexts of legal ramifications and organizational concerns for special education and disability services programs.
  • Develop strategies to guide the organization in making adjustments to programmatic factors/policies/procedures in response to reauthorizations of the IDEA and related federal legislation and state statutes.
  • Develop analytic skills relative to and requisite for problem identification and resolution in the organization and administration of special education and agency based programs.

Class Resources

Class Readings:

Required Textbook:

Required Supplemental Materials:

Government Resources