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Study Areas in the Alvin Sherman Library

Study rooms are available at the Alvin Sherman Library for individuals and groups of 2-10 people.

Group Study

The Alvin Sherman Library welcomes group study in designated areas throughout the building.

Tips for group study:

  • Talk away but be mindful and respectful of others in the room. In other words, use your indoor voices!
  • Review our Electronic Devices Policy here.

First Floor

Computers are available in the Public Library Services area on the first floor. These computers print in black & white.

Limited seating is available on a first-come, first-serve basis for tutoring sessions or working on homework. 

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Second Floor

The second floor is furnished with different seating areas so you can work comfortably in groups. The partitioned tables and blue work pods have outlets built-in to easily charge your laptop and other devices.

Computers are also available on the second floor. They print in both black & white and color. 

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Collaborative Study Room

The Collaborative Study Room on the 3rd Floor is designed specifically for social learning, collaborative study, and group work. Seating is made to be moved around and you can connect multiple devices simultaneously to large screen monitors. This room was generously donated by the Circle of Friends.

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