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Library Call Numbers

This guide details Library of Congress, Dewey, and Medical call numbers.

Comic Books & Graphic Novels

Did you know the library has comic books and graphic novels?

Call Number Library Location
PN6700 - 6790 3rd Floor

*You'll find more graphic novels on the first floor. Juvenile and young adult titles are in the Public Library Services area.

Browsing Tips

  1. Search an author's name or book title in the library catalog to find their section.
  2. Use the arrows on the moveable shelves.
    • Select the screen and lightly tap the arrow to move the shelf.

Picture example of how to find graphic novels:

  1. Find the shelf for PN6165. G - PQ1979. E

Library call numbers sign

3. Move along the shelf until you find the graphic novels, comics, and manga.

Library books on shelf