When you quote or paraphrase the idea of another person in your
research paper or speech, you must provide a proper
citation for
the source in a bibliography or list of references. This
credit to the author and enables the reader to locate
the resource
you cited.
Providing references for sources you used also
lends credibility
to your work, especially if you use authoritative
If you use other people's ideas and do not give
them credit by
providing proper references to their work, you are
plagiarism. Plagiarism is an honor code violation at NSU
as well
as a federal crime.
Citation Styles
When citing sources, be sure to use a conventional
style. Most disciplines have a standard style that
writers are
expected to use. Each style will specify a uniform way
of citing
Please consult the corresponding library guide on the following citation sytles for specific examples:
- How to Cite Sources Using APA
- How to Cite Sources Using MLA
- How to Cite Sources Using Chicago Style

You can use bibliography management
software to help format and manage citations.
NSU provides
NSU students, faculty and staff with free
access to
EndNote, ProCite and Reference Manager. Learn
more. An online tutorial is available for EndNote.