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Mergers and Acquisitions

Key resources

Articles, reports and news can be found in the following databases in our library collection. 

  • icon of a building Users listed next to this icon have access on campus. (This will often say ALL indicating all users have access on campus. There are a few exceptions.) 
  • icon of a house Users listed next to this icon have access off campus.

For a complete list of Business databases for NSU patrons click here.

ABI/Inform Collection

Search tips:

  • Search for “acquisitions & mergers” and select Subject heading - MAINSUBJECT from the drop down menu.
  • You can combine this search with a company name (you can choose to use it in the Company/organization – COMPANY field) or ticker.

Accounting & Tax Database

Search tips:

  • In the first search box enter buyer or target company’s name and select Company/Organization – COMPANY in the box to the rightUse the pull down menu to the right of the second search box and select “Subject heading – MAINSUBJECT”. Use the Look up subject headings (all) link to search and select applicable entries; To be more efficient, start by entering a keyword in the Find box, then select Contains. Hit the find button and select desired headings from the suggestions list. This allows you to discover headings you might not have thought of. Once the selection process is complete, click on Add to search.

Business Source Premier

Search tips:

  • Type “mergers & acquisitions” in the first search box and choose SU Subject Terms from the drop down menu on the right. Then add company name in the second box and select CO Company Entity from the drop down menu.
  • To get content from “"Mergers & Acquisitions" simply type the title in the search box and choose SO Publication Name from the menu on the right.

Mergent Online

Search tips:

  • This database has some M&A related content, but information tends to be limited. Mergers and acquisitions are listed under History, from the Company details tab.

Nexis Uni

Search tips:

  • Start by selecting Business from Discover Topics. From Company dossier choose Find a company and do a search by name, ticker, DUNS number. Limit by Company type if you have that information or suspect the search will yield a high number of results. Once you’ve selected the profile you’d like to work with, click on the Mergers & acquisitions filter on the left, then go to Mergers.
  • Another option is to start from Menu (next to the logo on the home page), then select All Sources. In the Narrow by category field on the left, click on More and select Company and Financial. Next, Select Mergers & Acquisitions under Category. Click on the Add all these as search filters, then go to the search box and add a company name, ticker, etc. This option will likely yield more results that need to be reviewed.
  • If you want to limit your results to just one source, type the name in the search box (Mergerstat, for example) then click on the database suggestion and the add the name of the company you are interested in in the search box. Results will include only those items that come exclusively from that source.
  • You can also use the Deal Pipeline