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APA Citation for Business

Citation help

Please consult our detailed guides for more information or contact us for assistance. 


Librarians at the Alvin Sherman Library have created a guide which includes information on identifying and preventing plagiarism. It will help you understand your responsibility regarding academic honesty and improve the skills you need in order to avoid plagiarism, even  when it is unintentional. The guide offers an excellent collection of resources you can use to learn more about paraphrasing, quoting, and synthesizing.

NSU Office of Copyright

The Nova Southeastern University Office of Copyright is attached to the Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and Information Technology Center and is intended to be the central resource for all matters concerning copyright.

It provides training in the form of live seminars and webcasts about the policy and the proper use of copyrights at the University.

The Office of Copyright can also advise graduate and undergraduate students with respect to copyright issues.