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PSY 1403 Adult Psychopathology

This guide covers resources available through the Alvin Sherman Library that provide information on descriptive psychopathology and research on the etiology, epidemiology, and dynamics and diversity issues of major adult and aged pathologic syndromes.


This guide covers resources available to doctoral students through the Alvin Sherman Library that provide information on descriptive psychopathology and research on the etiology, epidemiology, and dynamics and diversity issues of major adult and aged pathologic syndromes.

Course Description:

This course covers descriptive psychopathology and research on the etiology, epidemiology, and dynamics and diversity issues of major adult and aged pathologic syndromes. It provides a through introduction to DSM-V as a diagnostic tool. Learning Outcomes:

1) Understand the basis of the current nosologic system for adult psychopathology.

2) Gain a working knowledge of the criteria for adult, Axis I and Axis II psychiatric disorders.

3) Know the basic epidemiology and risk factors for adult, Axis I and Axis II psychiatric disorders.

4) Understand the primary etiological factors and theoretical models proposed for the major psychiatric disorders

5) Understand ethical treatment approaches of each disorder.

6) Consider diversity issues in their understanding of psychopathology and its treatment.

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