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This library guide connects researchers with library counseling resources.

Finding eBooks and other e-resources

eBook Collections

Downloading eBooks

What do you need to download an entire ebook using the NSU databases?

1. A device that supports Adobe Digital Editions or Bluefire Reader. Ebooks can be downloaded to iPads, PCs and several types of ereaders including a NOOK and Sony ereader. (Not sure if your device supports these applications? Check here.)

2. A library card or Sharklink ID to use the NSU databases.

3. Adobe Digital Editions or Bluefire Reader. Adobe Digital Editions is a free program that allows you to load the entire ebook for viewing and transfer it to a device. If you want to download to an ipad (or Apple device) you will want to download the Bluefire Reader application or the database specific application.

4. Create a free account with the ebook database(s). Both Myilibrary and EBSCO ebooks allow you to download ebooks. You will need to create a free account for each database to be able to send the ebook to Adobe Digital Editions or Bluefire. Instructions to create an account are located in the box below.

Finding Books in the Library Catalog (also known as NovaCAT)

The NSU Libraries Catalog searches all four library collections. You can search the catalog to locate books, ebooks, videos, dvds, games and other material the libraries own. The format (online or in-print), location, and availability of items will be indicated.  Remember, if you are looking for articles and other types of research material you will want to consult the databases. 

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  • Search the library CATALOG through the box on this guide