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Library Lingo



The library's catalog provides an inventory of all physical items available at the library, and many electronic resources such as e-books and streaming media.

You can use the catalog to search for specific items by their title or author, or you can search for items on a specific topic using keywords.

From the results list, you can click on an entry to view an item's availability, location, and call number.

If an item is currently checked out by someone else, you can even place a hold on it to be notified when it is available.

Catalog Result Example

Catalog record for Emperors of the Deep

The book in the image above was found by searching the topic "shark research" in the catalog. Now what?

  1. The orange box indicates the location, or in which NSU Library you'll find the book. This book is available at the Alvin Sherman Library.
  2. The yellow box is the book's call number. Write down or screenshot your book's call number. It is used like an address to find the book on the shelves.
  3. The blue box indicates the book's status. If the status says AVAILABLE, the item may be checked out at the Circulation Desk. If the status is "DUE" or "LIB USE ONLY," you will not be able to check out the item.