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Library Terminology

Dictionary of common library terms.



A type of periodical that is intended for the general public and not considered an authoritative, scholarly source.

Main Collection

Materials that comprise the majority of the library's collection.


A type of handbook that provides guidelines.


A work that has not been published.

MARC Record

An acronym for Machine-readable Cataloging Record. A standard format used to create catalog records that can be interpreted by a computer.


Non-print, audio-visual materials, including films, audio CDs, etc.


A autobiographical story about a specific event or period in a person's life.


A 4x6 inch flat sheet of film containing miniaturized photographs of works (e.g., newspapers) for archival purposes. Requires a microfiche reader to view.


A continuous roll of 35mm film containing miniaturized photographs of works (e.g., newspapers) for archival purposes. Requires a microfilm reader to view.


A film medium containing miniaturized photographs of works (e.g., newspapers) for archival purposes. Microfiche and microfilm are types of microform.


A work that is published in a single volume (e.g., book).

Monographic Series

Individual monographs published as a collection, usually under a collective series title. Each monograph is complete on its own and often assigned an individual series number.

Monographic Set

A monograph that is published in a finite number of volumes (e.g., encyclopedia). Also referred to as a "multipart monograph".


Structured information that describes an information resource. Often referred to as "data about data".

My Account

An online library account management tool that allows users to check what materials they have out and renew check out materials electronically. To access My Account, click on the My Account on the Alvin Sherman Library's homepage.

Click a letter, then click on a word.