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CARM 6150 - Professional Practice and Ethics

This guide has been created to support students in the "Professional Practice and Ethics" CAHSS DCRS course.

Required Textbook

Your required book, Ethics for Peacebuilders: A Practical Guide, is available online through the library, but it only has a "single user license access" -- this means only one person at a time can access the book. There is no information on if this copy is the reprinted edition. It would be best for you to purchase the book so you have your own copy. You will have chapters to read throughout the term. If you encounter a situation where you need to read a portion of the book online go to NovaCAT via this permanent link back to the book:

Note that this book is part of the "Peace and Security in the 21st Century" series edited by Charles Hauss.

Week #1 (Introductions & Syllabus Overview)

You'll be expected to have read the Chapters 1 and 2 from your required textbook.

If you are using the print edition indicated in the syllabus, an example of the reference put into APA Style shows below. [For more details look at this APA Blog page written by American Psychological Association experts: ]

Neufeldt, R. C. (2016). Ethics for peacebuilders: A practical guide (Reprint ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.  

Week #2

Dworkin, J., Jacob, L. and Scott, E. (1991). The boundaries between mediation and therapy: Ethical dilemmas. Mediation Quarterly, 9(2), 107–119. doi:10.1002/crq.3900090203

Hoffman, E. (2010). Is it good to be bad? Ethical dilemmas in peacemaking. Retrieved from the Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiation website:

Interagency Alternative Dispute Resolution Working Group. (n.d.). Workplace conflict management section: Best practices in federal ADR: Types of ethical dilemmas mediators face. Retrieved from


Week #3

Adams, D. (2005, December). Definition of culture of peace. Retrieved from

Diamond, L. (2003). Peace & nonviolence: Lay down your sword and shield. In The peace book: 108 simple ways to create a more peaceful world (3rd ed., pp. 115-130). Retrieved from

In addition to these sources you are expected to read Chapters 3, 4 and 5 from your required textbook.

Note, according to APA Style, if you want to reference a chapter of a book that is not edited and the book is written by one author you do that within the in-text citation and put the book information in the reference.

So for example you could refer to a chapter in-text thusly:

(Neufeldt, 2016, Chapter 3)

In Chapter 4, Neufeldt (2016) referred to....

Neufeldt (2016, Chapter 5) focuses on ideas....

And then keep the book information as is in your reference list:

Neufeldt, R. C. (2016). Ethics for peacebuilders: A practical guide (Reprint ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.  

Week #4

Grebe, S. C., Irvin, K., & Lang, M. (1989). A model for ethical decision making in mediation. Mediation Quarterly, 7(2), 133-148. doi:10.1002/crq.3900070205

Hoffman, E. (2014, February). A snapshot of best practices for peacebuilding design, overcoming operational challenges, managing risks and measuring success. Retrieved from

Week #5

Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiation. (n.d.). Registered Practitioner in Dispute Resolution (RPDR): Registration guide & submission package. Retrieved from

Maiese, M. (2004, September). Codes of conduct for intervenors. In G. Burgess & H. Burgess (Eds.), Beyond Intractability. Retrieved from

The Sphere Project. (n.d.). Humanitarian Charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response: What is Sphere? Retrieved from

In addition to these sources you are expected to read Chapter 6 from your required textbook.

Week #6

Brewer, J. D. (2016). The ethics of ethical debates in peace and conflict research: Notes towards the development of a
research covenant
. Methodological Innovations, 9, 1-11. doi:10.1177/2059799116630657

Church, C., & Rogers, M. (2006). Ethics in evaluation. In Designing for results: Integrating monitoring and evaluation in conflict transformation activities (pp. 188-200). Retrieved from

Dummett, C., Hagens, C., & Morel, D. (2013). Guidance on participatory assessments. Retrieved from

Fischer, M. (2009). Participatory evaluation and critical peace research: A precondition for peacebuilding: A response by Martina Fischer. In Schmelzle, B., & Fischer, M. (Eds.). Peacebuilding at a crossroads? Dilemmas and paths for another generation (Handbook Dialogue Series No. 7, pp. 87-98). Retrieved from

Nova Southeastern University. (2011, September 16). Nova Southeastern University Institutional Review Board policies and Procedures: General responsibilities of the principal investigator. Retrieved from

Week #7

Hoffman, E. (2012). Learning needs of front-line practitioners & policymakers in violence prevention and peacebuilding, training gaps, and future directions. In Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiation & Nipissing University Peace Research Initiative (Eds.), Conference report - Exploring the skills needed for effective violence prevention in the current Canadian context (pp. 12-17). Retrieved from

Week #8 - Simulation: The Delta Diamond Mine

Your professor will assign you to one of 3 possible roles (company official, Grand Chief, or mediator) for the simulation. Please read the General Background information sheet and your Confidential Role-play Instructions in preparation for the simulation. During the role-play debrief you'll also be asked to complete a peer review grading rubric for one of the other students.

Week #9

Readings to be determined.

Week #10

Lederach, J. P., Neufeldt, R., & Culbertson, H. (2007). Reflective practitioners. In Reflective peacebuilding: A planning, monitoring, and learning toolkit (pp. 3-6). Retrieved from The Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies website:

Thompson, N., & Pascal, J. (2012). Developing critically reflective practice. Reflective Practice, 13(2), 311–325.

Lang, M. D., & Taylor, A. (2000, February). The making of a mediator: Developing artistry in practice: Preface. Retrieved from

Civilian Peace Service Canada. (2017). What is an accredited peace professional? Retrieved from

In addition to these sources you are expected to read Chapter 7 from your required textbook.