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PSY 1603 Systems of Psychotherapy

This guide contains library resources with information on the philosophical origins, fundamental principles, and treatment implications of the primary systems of psychotherapy.


Barlow, D.H., Gorman, J.M., Shear, M.K., & Woods, S.W. (2000). Cognitive-behavioral therapy, imipramine, or their combination for panic disorder. Journal of the American Medical Association, 283, 2529-2536. doi: 10.1001/jama.283.19.2529

Beck, A.T., Epstein, N., & Harrison, R. (1983). Cognitions, attitudes and personality dimensions in depression. British Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 1(1), 1-16. Retrieved from   **May request through Interlibrary Loan (ILLIAD)

Bugental, J.F.T. & Bracke, P. (1992). The future of existential-humanistic psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 29, 28-33.  doi: 10.1037/0033-3204.29.1.28 **May request through Interlibrary Loan (ILLIAD)

Crits-Christoph, P., Cooper, A., & Luborsky, L. (1988). The accuracy of therapists’ interpretations and the outcome of dynamic psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56, 490-495. Retrieved from

Rogers, C.R. (1961). The process equation of psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 15, 27-45.  Retrieved from  **May request through Interlibrary Loan (ILLIAD)

Shedler, J. (2010). The efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy. American Psychologist, 65, 98-109. doi: 10.1037/a0018378

Visser, S., & Bouman, T.K. (2001). The treatment of hypochondriasis: Exposure plus response prevention vs. cognitive therapy. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39, 423-442. doi: 10.1016/S0005-7967(00)00022-X