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PHYS 2350 & 2360 Physics I & II: Getting Started

PHYS 2350, PHYS 2360


Physics I & II
PHYS 2350, 2360
Fall 2024

First of a two-part series covering mechanics, thermodynamics, vibrations, and waves. Includes laboratory sessions.
Second of a two-part series covering electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics. Includes laboratory sessions.

Physics I & II - PHYS 2350 & 2360

  1. Use the basic concepts of mechanics, such as energy, momentum, force, torque, and wave motion to solve simple mechanical problems.
  2. Use the basic concepts of fluid mechanics, including pressure, density, and volume flow to solve fluid problems.
  3. Apply thermodynamic concepts such as heat, internal energy, temperature, thermal conduction, and entropy to thermodynamic problems, especially to problems involving ideal gases.
  1. Calculate electric and magnetic fields, forces, and potentials from a given set of charges or currents.
  2. Use the basic properties of electromagnetic waves and how they relate to optics to solve related, simple problems.
  3. Solve electric circuit problems for both AC and DC circuits containing batteries, inductors, capacitors, and resistors.
  4. Use the basic ideas of geometrical and physical optics, such as refraction and diffraction to solve simple optical problems.
  5. Solve simple problems in special relativity involving energy, momentum, length contraction, time dilation, and velocity composition.
  6. Apply elementary ideas from quantum mechanics to simple systems such as the hydrogen atom.

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