Welcome to the CARM 6150 (Professional Practice & Ethics) Library Guide that has been put together for you by our Librarian Ms. Stacy Allsop.
This handy guide compiles the links to all of the required course readings in one place. Plus, it provides helpful guidance on APA style (all of your assignments will be in APA style and points will be deducted if proper APA style isn’t used so please make yourself familiar with these guidelines right away).
There are a lot of readings for this course so please be sure to stay on top of the readings and come prepared to the class with the readings already completed.
One of the things that I stress in this class is reflective practice and part of that is to do critical reading. Critical reading assists you in making connections between the thoughts and ideas we are discussing in this class. In this way, by critically reading your texts and other assigned readings prior to each class we can engage in a higher-level discussion of these materials. For more info on how to read critically, please see this guide:
Lastly, all of your assignments are also listed in this library guide. We will discuss these in greater detail during our first class, but I’d like to reinforce the point that it is important not to procrastinate with any of them.
This is particularly true with the reflective journaling assignment, however, since we want to capture your changing thoughts and feeling about the course throughout the semester (thus, doing all of the journal entries on the last day of the course would defeat this purpose). So, it is good practice to set aside a half hour each week to work on your journal at the same time. If you make it a part of your routine by doing this it will soon become habit.
I’m looking forward to meeting each of you this semester and delivering this course!
Best Regards,
Dr. Evan Hoffman
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Conflict Resolution Studies and Sr. Associate, the Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiation (CIIAN)