Gurr, T. R. (2016). Why men rebel. Routledge.
(Available online via the NSU Libraries collection -- Taylor & Francis eBooks database. Read the book chapters online or download the PDF pages. You may choose to download the entire book.)
Jacoby T. (2007). Understanding conflict and violence: Theoretical and interdisciplinary approaches. Routledge.
(Available online via the NSU Libraries collection -- ProQuest Ebook Central database. Read the book online, and download up to 64 PDF pages.)
Biko, S. (1978). I write what I like: A selection of his writings. Harper & Row.
(This book is going to be held in the Alvin Sherman Library's "reserve" collection (ask at the 1st floor circulation desk). This access allows for 1-day checkouts to scan or photocopy needed pages. For local students this means coming to the library for this task. The scanner is on the 2nd floor and is free. There are photocopiers on several floors and each copy is 10 cents, payable via your print funds connected to your SharkCard. For distance students this means they will place an ILLiad document delivery request for the pages of the book chapters needed.)
Robertson, G. (2013). Crimes against humanity: The struggle for global justice. The New Press.
(Available online via the NSU Libraries collection -- ProQuest Ebook Central database. Read the book online, and download up to 401 pages via PDF files. Chapters are divided into sections, so make sure you download all the sections for each chapter needed.)
Bartoli, A., Ogata, T., & Stanton, G. H. (2009). Emerging paradigms in genocide prevention. Politorbis, 47(2/2009), 15-24. (NOTE: The link opens the full issue of this journal. You will need to navigate to the specific article within the PDF.)
Cherry, J. (2015). Classic book review: Franz Fanon; The Wretched of the Earth. Journal of Resistance Studies, 1(2), 151-162.
Cobb, S. (2013). Narrative “braiding” and the role of public officials in transforming the publics conflicts. Narrative and Conflict: Explorations of Theory and Practice, 1(1), 4-30. (To access all the articles from this publication go to
Espelage, D. L. (2014). Ecological theory: Preventing youth bullying, aggression, and victimization. Theory Into Practice, 53(4), 257-264. (This article is from the journal's theme issue focused on the "Theories of Bullying and Cyberbullying.")
Galtung, J. (1964). A structural theory of aggression. Journal of Peace Research, 1(2), 95-119.
Galtung, J. (1969). Violence, peace, and peace research. Journal of Peace Research, 6(3), 167-191.
Jordan, T. (2000). Glasl's Nine-Stage Model Of Conflict Escalation.
King, B. (2012). Psychological theories of violence. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 22(5), 553-571. (This article is from the journal's theme issue focused on "Theories of Violence from Multiple Social Science Perspectives.")
Lawson, J. (2012). Sociological theories of intimate partner violence. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 22(5), 572-590. (This article is from the journal's theme issue focused on "Theories of Violence from Multiple Social Science Perspectives.")
Mider, D. (2013). The anatomy of violence: A study of the literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 18(6), 702-708.
Zartman, I. W. (2001). The timing of peace initiatives: Hurting stalemates and ripe moments. The Global Review of Ethnopolitics, 1(1), 8-18. (A version of this article is also available via