To get the most points on each assignment try using the grading rubric to guide the creation of your paper!
*Hint - Read down the rubric column displaying the most points. Address those questions in your assignment.
1 - Brief introduction to the topic is included and appropriate.
2 - Research problem is clearly stated and appropriate.
3 - Student provides evidence for the existence of the problem, including both national and local evidence,and provides appropriate background information for the problem. At least 2 citations are included.
4 - Areas of need or gaps in the current literature are clearly indicated allowing the student to create a niche for their study.
5 - Audience is clearly identified and appropriate for the research problem.
Databases to use for this assignment:
1 - Articles are linked in a logical and coherent order; clearly indicating primary and secondary sections of the proposed lit review.
2 - An appropriate theoretical or conceptual framework is included and discussed in detail.
3 - The literature review is well organized, logically written,and comprehensively demonstrative of the current research based on the identified problem.
4 - The student provides sufficient details for the empirical studies, critically evaluates the articles,and flows smoothly from one section to the next using appropriate transitions.
5 - At least 10 peer-reviewed journal articles are included the directly relate to the research problem. The articles are empirically-based and considered primary sources.
Databases to use for this assignment.
1 - The purpose statement is clearly stated, appropriate,and aligns with the research problem.
2 - The research questions are well-written, appropriate,and aligns with the research problem.
3 - The purpose and research questions are clearly aligned. - The research and questions are relevant.
Databases to use for this assignment.
1 - The participants and sampling procedures are clearly described, appropriate,and justified with a citation.
2 - The research approach is clearly indicated, appropriate,and justified with a citation.
3 - The data collection methods are appropriate to answer the research questions and align with the specified research approach.
4 - A discussion of the alignment between the proposed data collection methods and how they will be used to answer each of the research questions is included, detailed, and appropriate.
5 - The research track is identified, appropriate, and includes a rationale to support their choice.
Databases to use for this assignment.