The Fischler College of Education offers three avenues for publishing dissertations:
The MARPs, Practicums, and Applied Dissertations database contains major applied research projects, practicums, and applied dissertations written by NSU students in the Fischler School of Education. This database can only be accessed by NSU students, faculty, and staff currently affiliated with the university.
NSU Works is Nova Southeastern University's institutional repository. Online access is provided to both published and unpublished works by the NSU community including journal articles, books, theses, dissertations, reports, conference proceedings, teaching materials, data sets, university publications, digital and multimedia collections.
The ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database contains full-text dissertations published by students from a wide range of worldwide universities. This database can only be accessed through institutions with a subscription to the database. Please note that remote alumni access to this database is not available.
If you would like to submit your completed dissertation to ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, you must do so through the ProQuest ETD Portal for the Fischler College of Education listed at
Further instructions about how to submit a dissertation to ProQuest Dissertation and These are available at
Published dissertations have the potential to be viewed by researchers around the world and must be scholarly works. The content must be written in an academic manner and references must be appropriately cited. Current NSU students may view the link below to see examples of high quality dissertations.
It's never too early to start brushing up on your writing and researching skills. Remember that published dissertations must be scholarly, academic works which have the potential to be viewed by scholars around the world. Use the resources below to refine your writing and research skills.