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Circulating material can be checked out for 4 weeks
Reserve material can be checked out for 3 hours (in-library use only)
Distance Students
Print Journals
Articles in print journals can be requested from ILL. The article will be scanned and sent to your ILL account.
Note: Always search the eJournal Finder to check for electronic availability of the journal first.
Reserved Print Book Chapters
- Reserved books do not leave the library. You can request a limited amount of material (copyright restrictions!) to be scanned and sent to you.
- Go to ILL
- After logging in, select Book Chapter (left side of screen) and fill out the form
Circulating Print Books
Circulating print books (not audiovisual material) can be delivered to you.
- Search the catalog
- Select the title
- If it is a circulating item, click on "Order for Delivery"
- NSU will mail the item to you free of charge, but you are responsible for the return postage.