Case Files Collection
The McGraw-Hill Case Files Collection on Access Medicine is a complete range of the popular Case Files series books, with nearly 1,175 real-life cases in basic biomedical sciences and clinical medicine.
Create an Access Medicine "MyAccess Account" to use the case studies and answer quizzes.
There is a way to search for cases & case studies through our catalog.
As you can see from the screen shot, you should make sure to put in the keyword box: (cases or “case studies”) you can also put a subject in there after the word "case studies" such as cases OR “case studies” AND genetics
You might also want to limit the search to the Health Professions Div Lib.
Clicking this link wil run a search in the catalog for cases OR "case studies" in the HPD Collection
There are a number of case files available in these resources, also.
Access Medicine Cases has a variety of sources of cases - Case Files, Pathophysiology Cases, Imaging Cases, and Family Practice cases.
Access Pharmacy Cases has cases from Pharmacotherapy Casebook and Care Plans, Case Files Pharmacology, Pathophysiology Cases, and Virtual Cases.
LWW Health Library Cases have biochemistry, intro to clinical medicine, pathology, and physiology.