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Physician Assistant: Search the Catalog

Recommended resources for Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences Physician Assistant Program students and faculty

Search NovaCat for Books, Multimedia and more...

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Circulating material can be checked out 4 weeks

Reserve material can be checked out for 3 hours (in-library use only)
Distance and Regional Campus Students: 
Print Journals 
Articles in print journals and chapters from books on reserve can be requested from ILL by distance students and students at regional campuses. They will be scanned  and sent electronically to your ILLiad account as a PDF file. 

Note: Always search the eJournal Finder to check for electronic availability of a journal first.

Circulating Print Books
Circulating print books (not audiovisual material) can be delivered to you.

  • Search the catalog
  • Select the title
  • If it is a circulating item, click on "Order for Delivery"
  • NSU will mail the item to you free of charge, but you are responsible for the return postage.


Reserved Print Book Chapters
Reserved books do not leave the library. You can request a limited amount of material (depending on copyright restrictions) to be scanned and sent to you.

  • Go to ILL
  • After logging in, select Book Chapter (left side of screen) and fill out the form.  
  • The pages will be scanned and delivered through your ILLiad account.