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WRIT 5010 Research Methods


The Parker building as viewed during its final stages of construction, 1969.  Image courtesy of NSU Archives.

Archives: An organized collection of records of the activities of a business, government, organization, or other corporate body, or the personal papers of one or more individuals or groups, retained permanently for their historical value.  In academia archives also refers to the repository of electronic reprints.

Special Collections: A collection within a library consisting of rare books, manuscripts, papers, and other items of a certain form, on a certain subject from a particular time period, or geographic region.  Items may also be in fragile or poor condition and valuable.  Items in these collections do not circulate and access to materials may be restricted.

Digital Libraries: A library with a significant portion of the resources available onlineThe digital content may be locally held or accessed remotely via subscription services. 


Source: Joan M. Reitz, Dictionary for Library and Information Science. Libraries Unlimited: Connecticut, 2004.

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