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American Heritage School Library Orientation

On this page, you will learn how to:

  • Evaluate the accuracy and credibility of the information that you find

ABCD's of Evaluating Sources

A = Author

  • After you find a source of information that you might want to use, think about the author(s) of the source.  Are the authors experts and qualified to write on the topic?  What are their credentials?  Are they affiliated with any organizations or a university?

  • Also, consider the publisher or source.  Is it reputable? 

B = Bias

  • Look for any bias in the information.  Does the information presented cover all sides of the topic in a neutral, objective manner?  What is the purpose of this information… to inform, teach, persuade, or sell? 

C = Content

  • Is the information relevant to your topic or does it deviate too much?  Is the readership level too simple or too sophisticated? Also, focus on the accuracy of the content.  Does the information match your understanding of the topic and can you verify the claims in other sources?  Compare its findings to those of other related articles.  Do not rely on only one source. 

D = Date

  • Consider when the information was published, updated, or revised.  Has the information become outdated?  Also, look at the date of the reference list provided.  Are those sources too old?

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