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Accounting and Taxation

Additional recommended websites

Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board

Internal Revenue Service 

American Accounting Association

Association for Financial Professionals

  • Survey Research & Economic Data
  • Guides – several series on various topics presented as case studies with practical applications and tools: executive guides, FP&A guides, treasure in practice, global liquidity, AFP payments and more.
  • AFP Momentum Index - a quarterly survey designed to take the pulse of the business community as seen from the point of view of the FP&A department.

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners

  • Fraud Magazine - timely, insightful articles on white-collar crime and fraud examination techniques. Some free content, membership needed for full access. Free access to White Paper Library - emerging trends in the fraud industry, tips to stay ahead of fraudsters and industry-specific strategies to stay current.
  • Reports and Statistics - Data on fraud, fraudsters and anti-fraud programs

Association of Government Accountants

  • Research & Publications – covers all aspects of government financial management, including annual surveys of Chief Financial Officers and Inspectors General.

Association of International Certified Professional Accountants

Financial Executives Institute

Institute of Internal Auditors

Institute of Management Accountants

  • Strategic Finance Magazine - covers all the important topics and trends that impact accountants and financial professionals in business, including sustainability, risk management, strategy, financial planning, the changing roles of the CFO and the finance function, budgeting, capital decisions, technology, careers, leadership, and more.
  • Report search – by topic: business leadership and ethics; external reporting and disclosure management; operations, process management and innovation; performance measurement, incentives and alignment; planning and analysis; risk management; strategic cost management; technology enablement; the future of management accounting.

International Federation of Accountants

National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts

  • QuickRead – weekly publication, topics covered include business and intangible asset valuation; litigation consulting and expert witnessing; healthcare consulting; mergers, acquisitions and exit planning; fraud risk management; forensic accounting; estate planning; and more.

National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers

National Society of Accountants

Tax Foundation

Data, research, and analysis on taxation at the federal, state and international level.


Ernst & Young

  • Tax and Law Guides – coverage of corporate tax, indirect tax, personal taxes, transfer pricing and law matters in more than 150 jurisdictions




Business search engine

Enter keywords in the field above to search more than twenty business-related periodicals.  

These resources were chosen because they are from respected organizations with a primary focus on business. Note that some of these sources, such as Harvard Business Review, have a limited access if you don’t have a subscription. If you are unable to open an article from the search results, search for the article title in the Alvin Sherman Library catalog.

For peer-reviewed journal articles, literature reviews, and primary source material, utilize the business databases on the Alvin Sherman Library website.

The Atlantic Fast Company Inc New York Times Wall Street Journal
Bloomberg Financial Times International Business Times NPR's Planet Money podcast Wired
Business Insider Forbes MarketWatch SeekingAlpha  
CNN Money Fortune Money Training Magazine Network  
Entrepreneur Harvard Business Review The Motley Fool Trend Hunter