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ORGL 8750: Strategic Planning

Assignment 1: Overview of Internal Assessments and External Assessments

Students will delve into the internal and external factors in more detail with narratives, illustrations, and current supporting scholarly sources. Researching internal factors will help individuals understand the organizational internal environment in regard to resources and proficiencies while researching external factors will help understand the organizational external environment. Through the SWOT analysis, students will select and explore 5 strengths, 5 weaknesses, 5 opportunities, and 5 to determine the internal and external position of their organization.

MANDATORY Template for Assignment One Located in Canvas

Authors will write in first person and then validate their thoughts with current scholarly articles (past 5 to 7 years of peer reviewed articles). As a reminder:

  • All paragraphs must have at least 5 to 6 academic sentences with at least two current scholarly articles.
  • No books or trade journals can be used.
  • Use at least 10 current scholarly articles (past 5 to 7 years) that are labelled academic, peer-reviewed, or refereed journals.
  • All references must align with in-text citations and be complete with all information (i.e., authors, date, title, source) to include the DOI or the URL. This will help faculty retrieve the source to determine if the source meets the requirements of the submission.
  • No generative artificial intelligence will be allowed to include no use of Grammarly or similar platforms that modifies content.

Research Databases - Peer Reviewed Article sources

To view all our databases click here.

Below are main databases in different subject areas.




Psychology and Behavioral Research 
