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PSY 4669 Clinical Interventions for Anxiety Disorders

This guide provides access to library resources detailing assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of anxiety disorders.

Class Readings Dr. Thayer Summer 2024

Barlow, D.H. (Ed.) (2002). Anxiety and its disorders: The nature and treatment of anxiety and panic (2nd ed.). Guilford Press. Sherman Library Circulation Desk, 1st Floor, Course Reserves

Seif, M.N., & Winston, S. (2014). What every therapist needs to know about anxiety disorders: Key concepts, insights, and interventions. Routledge.

Other Textbook:

Barlow, D. H. (Ed.) (2014).Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step by-step treatment manual (5th ed.). Guilford. 


05/07 Course Overview: Intro to the Treatment of Anxiety What is Anxiety? What is fear?

Seif, M.N., & Winston, S. (2014). What every therapist needs to know about anxiety disorders: Key concepts, insights, and interventions.  Routledge. Chapters 1 &2 

Barlow, D.H. (Ed.) (2002). Anxiety and its disorders: The nature and treatment of anxiety and panic (2nd ed.). Guilford Press. Chapter 1 (pgs. 1-18; 26-36). Sherman Library Circulation Desk, 1st Floor, Course Reserves

05/09 Origins and Theories of Anxiety Role-Play 1: Providing Psychoeducation 

Barlow, D.H. (Ed.) (2002). Anxiety and its disorders: The nature and treatment of anxiety and panic (2nd ed.). Guilford Press. Chapter 6 (pgs. 181-204). Sherman Library Circulation Desk, 1st Floor, Course Reserves

Seif, M.N., & Winston, S. (2014). What every therapist needs to know about anxiety disorders: Key concepts, insights, and interventions. Routledge. Chapter 3 

05/14 Therapy Basics, Psychoeducation, Assessment 

Barlow, D.H. (Ed.) (2002).Anxiety and its disorders: The nature and treatment of anxiety and panic (2nd ed.). Guilford Press. Chapters 7 & 8. Sherman Library Circulation Desk, 1st Floor, Course Reserves

Seif, M.N., & Winston, S. (2014). What every therapist needs to know about anxiety disorders: Key concepts, insights, and interventions. Routledge. Chapters 4 &5 

05/16 Risk Assessment Role-Play 2: Risk assessment/ Safety Planning 

Seif, M.N., & Winston, S. (2014). What every therapist needs to know about anxiety disorders: Key concepts, insights, and interventions. Routledge. Chapters 6 &7 

Nepon, J., Belik, S., Bolton, J., & Sareen, J. (2011). The relationship between anxiety disorders and suicide attempts: Findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Depression and Anxiety, 27, 791-798. 

Jobes, D.A., & Joiner, T. E. (2019). Reflections on suicidal ideation [Editorial]. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 40(4), 227–230. 5 

VA Safety Plan Manual (pdf uploaded to Canvas) 

05/21 Panic and Agoraphobia 

Barlow, D.H. (Ed.) (2002). Anxiety and its disorders: The nature and treatment of anxiety and panic (2nd ed.). Guilford Press. Chapter 4 (pgs. 105-125; 133-138), Chapter 5 (pgs. 152-179), & Chapter 10. Sherman Library Circulation Desk, 1st Floor, Course Reserves

05/23 Panic and Agoraphobia Role-Play 3: Exposures 

Feldman, J.M., Matte, L., Interian, A., Lehrer, P.M., Lu, S., Scheckner, B., …. & Shim, C. (2016). Psychological treatment of comorbid asthma and panic disorder in Latino adults: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Behavior Research and Therapy, 87, 142-154. 

Hoffart, A. (2016). Cognitive models for panic disorder with agoraphobia: A study of disaggregated within-person effects. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84(9), 839-844. 

Amiri, S.E., Koszycki, D., Talijaard M., Segal, Z., & Bradwejn, J. (2018). Predictors of etiological beliefs about panic disorder and impact of beliefs on treatment outcomes. Psychiatry Research, 264, 155-161. 

05/28 Social Anxiety & Specific Phobias 

Seif, M.N., & Winston, S. (2014). What every therapist needs to know about anxiety disorders: Key concepts, insights, and interventions. Routledge. Chapter 8 

Barlow, D.H. (Ed.) (2002). Anxiety and its disorders: The nature and treatment of anxiety and panic (2nd ed.). Guilford Press. Chapters 11 &13. Sherman Library Circulation Desk, 1st Floor, Course Reserves

05/30 Social Anxiety & Specific Phobias Role-Play 4: In-vivo Exposure; Fear &Avoidance Hierarchy 

Miloff, A., Lindner, P., Dafgard, P., Deak, S., Garke, M., Hamilton, W., …& Carlbring, P. (2019). Automated virtual reality exposure therapy for spider phobia vs. in-vivo one-session treatment: A randomized noninferiority trial. Behavior Research and Therapy, 118, 130-140. 

Schumacher, S., Miller, R., Fehm, L., Kirschbaum, C., Fydrich, T., & Strohle, A. (2015).Therapists’ and patients’ stress responses during graduated versus flooding in vivo exposure in the treatment of specific phobia: A preliminary observational study. Psychiatry Research, 230, 668-675. 

Piccirillo, M.L., Dryman, M.T., & Heimberg, R.G. (2016). Safety behaviors in adults with social anxiety: Review and future directions. Behavior Therapy, 47, 675-687. 

06/04 OCD & Related Disorders 

Seif, M.N., & Winston, S. (2014). What every therapist needs to know about anxiety disorders: Key concepts, insights, and interventions. Routledge. Chapters 10 &11 

Barlow, D.H. (Ed.) (2002). Anxiety and its disorders: The nature and treatment of anxiety and panic (2nd ed.). Guilford Press. Chapter 15. Sherman Library Circulation Desk, 1st Floor, Course Reserves 

06/06 OCD & Related Disorders Role-Play 5: ERP 

Laposa, J.M., Hawley, L.L., Grimm, K.J., Katz, D.E., & Rector, N.A. (2019). What drives OCD symptom change during CBT treatment? Temporal relationships among obsessions and compulsions. Behavior Therapy, 50, 87-100. 

Reese, H. E., Timpano, K., Siev, J., Rowley, T., & Wilhelm, S. (2010). Behavior therapy for Tourette’s syndrome and chronic tic disorder: A web-based video illustration of treatment components. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 17, 16-24. 

Stargell, N.A., Kress, V.E., Paylo, M.J., & Zins, A. (2016). Excoriation Disorder: Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. The Professional Counselor, 6, 50-60. 

06/11 GAD Role-Play 6: Thought Records 

Seif, M.N., & Winston, S. (2014). What every therapist needs to know about anxiety disorders: Key concepts, insights, and interventions. Routledge. Chapter 9 

Barlow, D.H. (Ed.) (2002). Anxiety and its disorders: The nature and treatment of anxiety and panic (2nd ed.). Guilford Press. Chapter 14. Sherman Library Circulation Desk, 1st Floor, Course Reserves 

Roemer, L., & Orsillo, S. M. (2014). An acceptance-based behavioral therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual (5th ed.) (pp. 206-236). Guilford. 

06/13 PTSD Role Play 7: CPT 

Barlow, D.H. (Ed.) (2002). Anxiety and its disorders: The nature and treatment of anxiety and panic (2nd ed.). Guilford Press. Chapter 12. Sherman Library Circulation Desk, 1st Floor, Course Reserves

Gurak, K. K., Freund, B., & Ironson, G. (2016). The use of both prolonged exposure and cognitive processing therapy in the treatment of a person with PTSD, multiple traumas, depression, and suicidality. Clinical Case Studies, 15(4), 295-312. 

DeJongh, A., Resick, P.A., Zoellner, L.A., van Minnen, A., Lee, C.W., Monson, C.M., …& Bicanic, I.A. (2016). Critical analysis of the current treatment guidelines for complex PTSD in adults. Depression and Anxiety, 33, 359-369. 

Banducci, A.N., Connolly, K.M., Vujanovic, A.A., Alvarez, J., & Bonn Miller, M.O. (2017). The impact of changes in distress tolerance on PTSD symptom severity post-treatment among veterans in residential trauma treatment. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 47, 99-105. 

06/18 Resistance; Relapse Prevention; Common pitfalls Role play 8: Challenging clinical situations 

Seif, M.N., & Winston, S. (2014). What every therapist needs to know about anxiety disorders: Key concepts, insights, and interventions. Routledge. Chapters 12, 13, &14