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Marine Biology Resource Guide: Job Opportunities

On This Page:

  • Local Job Opportunities
  • National Job Opportunities
  • Tips for Job Hunting

Local Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities in Florida

National Job Opportunities

Tips For Job Hunting!

It is always a good idea to include a cover letter to help your application stand out when applying for a job. Cover letters shouldn't be too long, somewhere between a paragraph to a page, and should include:
- Why you're excited to be applying for this job
- Why you are a perfect fit for this job
- And what this job gives you
When addressing the cover letter, dig a little to see if you can find who is in charge of hiring, if you can't find who it is, you can address it to the Hiring Committee/Manager.
Check out this website for more tips and examples for writing your cover letter

Series and keywords to use when searching USAJobs, to ensure you find marine biology/science related jobs:
-0028- Environmental Protection Specialist
-0401- General Natural Resources Management and Biological Sciences
-0404- Biological Science Technician, 0480- Fish and Wildlife Administration
-0482- Fish Biology
-1500- Mathematics and Statistic
-1300-Physical Sciences
-Fish and Wildlife