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Bibliography and Index of the Sirenia and Desmostylia
The significant published literature on the neobiology, paleobiology, and ethnobiology of the mammalian orders Sirenia and Desmostylia is exhaustively cataloged in over 5,300 main entries alphabetized by author. Both technical and popular works are included, and many entries are annotated. The earliest work cited is a letter by N. Syllacio published in 1494 or 1495, describing Columbus's second voyage to the New World.
Bibliography of Publications on the Marine Ecology of Juvenile Pacific Salmon in North America, 2014-2015
In this document, we compile primary publications and NPAFC documents that pertain to the marine ecology of juvenile Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). This document is an update to a previous
bibliography that formed the basis of a review at the “Third International Workshop on Migration and Survival Mechanisms of Juvenile Salmon and Steelhead in Ocean Ecosystems” in Honolulu
Coast and Geodetic Survey - Bibliography of the Appendices to the Reports of the Superintendent from 1844 to 1910
The Annual Reports of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey show the progress of the work of the agency throughout the year in detail. The annual reports include appendices - reports on the many scientific and technological activities of the Coast Survey - which are indexed in the following pages by author, chronologically, and by function.
Cumulative Bibliography on the History of Oceanography (1987-2001)
The Cumulative Bibliography on the History of Oceanography (CBHO) was published annually in the History of Oceanography Newsletter beginning in 1987 and through 1997, in order to gather in one place the scattered literature on the history of oceanography. CBHO strives to list all works on the history of oceanography. Biographical items like biographies and obituaries are compiled separately.
Early Life History of Fishes bibliography
a searchable index of more than 13,000 citations developed in 1988 by Dr. Robert D. Hoyt of Western Kentucky University and updated in 2002 by Tom Kennedy of University of Alabama and Darrel E. Snyder of Colorado State University. It's a good source for non-current references. The site is hosted by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library at University of California San Diego.
History of Oceanography, 1987-2002 (a cumulative bibliography)
hosted by NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center Library in Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Marine Mammals Bibliography
The Marine Mammals Bibliography describes publications (books, journal articles, etc.) about marine mammals and related subjects (fisheries, food, etc.). The bibliography consists of two files of citations: Allen and Mead. The Allen file represents citations contained in Allen, J.A. 1882. Preliminary list of works and papers relating to the mammalian orders Cete and Sirenia. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories 6(3): 399-562. This annotated bibliography covers the period from Albertus Magnus (1495) to the end of the year 1840. The Mead file represents citations that concentrate on Cetacean systematics, life history and anatomy, particularly of the families Ziphiidae (beaked whales) and Delphinidae (oceanic dolphins).
Ocean Exploration and Research Bibliography
compiled by staff at the NOAA Central Library
Shark bibliography
compiled by George H. Burgess at the Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida Gainesville
Stonybrook University Marine Biology Bibliography
Contents: Functional Marine Biology, Ecological Processes in Marine Systems, Reproduction and Larval Ecology, Marine Environments, Speciation, Biodiversity, and Community Processes, Applied Marine Biology and Conservation, Organismal Reference Lists, Regional Reference Lists
Subject Bibliographies in Environmental Ethics
From the Center for the Study of Values in Public Life at the Harvard Divinity School
The Cephalopod Bibliography
The Cephalopod Bibliography describes publications (books, journal articles, etc.) about Recent cephalopods and cephalopod related subjects (predators, prey, etc.). The bibliography began with a grant from the National Marine Fisheries Service to Clyde Roper at the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) to develop a computerized cephalopod bibliographic system in 1983. Additional funding was supplied by the Smithsonian Institution (SI) Seidell Fund and the SI Women's Committee. This bibliography comprises publications located at the Division of Mollusks, NMNH. At present, the entries concentrate primarily on works in English or those with an English summary. Future additions to this catalog will include foreign language publications. No attempt has been made for comprehensive coverage of cephalopod publications on fossils or neurophysiology.
The Sargasso Sea: A Selected Bibliography
compiled by Chris Belter at the NOAA Central Library
Whale Shark bibliography
ompiled by Fay Henry Wolfson and Giuseppe Notarbartolo-di-Sciara (published in 1980). The site is hosted by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library at University of California San Diego.