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Data Management Resources and Tools
ANDS Metadata Guide
This comprehensive 11 page Guide is intended to provide a generic working-level view of the needs, issues, and processes around metadata collection and creation as it relates to research data
Data management general guidance
Introduction, Types of Data, File Formats, Organizing Files, Metadata, Persistent Identifiers, Security & Storage, Sharing and Archiving, Citing Data, Copyright and Privacy.
DataONE - Primer on Data Management: What you always wanted to know
The goal of data management is to produce self-describing data sets. If you give your data to a scientist or
colleague who has not been involved with your project, will they be able to make sense of it? Will they be
able to use it effectively and properly? This primer describes a few fundamental data management
practices that will enable you to develop a data management plan, as well as how to effectively create,
organize, manage, describe, preserve and share data.
DMP Tool
Create data management plans that meet institutional and funder requirements.
Figshare is a freely available repository where anyone can upload and share their data, code, and supporting documentation.
mozilla Science Lab - Planning for Data Reuse Checklist
This checklist is designed to help you understand what someone outside your research project (or you in 5-10 years) would need to know about your data in order to build on your work.
mozilla Science Lab - Your Data Can Live Forever: How to Plan for Data Reuse
This activity is designed to help you understand what someone outside your research project (or you in 5-10 years) would need to know about your data in order to build on your work.
re3data a REgistry of REsearch data REpositories is a global catalog of data repositories from different academic disciplines. You can search or browse the catalog to find a disciplinary or institutional repository that meets your needs.
REDCap is a secure web platform for building and managing online databases and surveys. REDCap's streamlined process for rapidly creating and designing projects offers a vast array of tools that can be tailored to virtually any data collection strategy.
Zenodo is another freely available repository for sharing your data, code and documentation.