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BIOL 1500 Biology I

Library Databases

Google Scholar searches across a range of subject or disciplines, can search across source types, but may not have free full text available, can't limit to peer review status. Library databases are usually specific to a subject or discipline (like biology or history), can easily access full text, have easy to use limiters (like peer review status), and can limit to different source types (like book chapters, articles, reports).

College assignments will require you to find scholarly articles and research studies from academic journal publications.

NSU Libraries provide access to hundreds of library databases on a variety of subjects.

If you are not sure which database to use, ask a librarian for recommendations.

Choosing a Database

pro tipFor topics related to biology or health sciences, start your search in the PubMed database.

  • Log in from the library website with your SharkLink username and password. Once you are in the PubMed database, do not select the login box on the PubMed homepage.

PubMed Homepage Search

What are Keywords?

To search in a library database, you will need to pull out the keywords that describe your topic from your research question. These keywords will become your initial search terms.

exampleTopic: Heart Rate
Research Question: How does exercise affect heart rate?
Keywords: How does exercise affect heart rate?


Topic: Osmosisexample
Research Question: How does osmosis allow plant roots to draw water from soil?
Keywords: How does osmosis allow plant roots to draw water from soil?

Better Results with Boolean Operators


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Keyword Search Examples


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