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BIOL 1500 Biology I

PubMed Search Results & Filters

Below is a sample results list for the keyword search: heart rate AND exercise.

The menu on the left side of the page allows you to filter your results based on what you need. 

PubMed Filters include:

1. Results By Year - Click and drag the slider on the timeline to change the date range for your search.  

2. Text Availability - Filter your results to results that include a link to full text, a link to free full text, or an abstract.

3. Article Type - Select article types to narrow your results based on the type of material the article represents, such as: Clinical Trial or Review. 

How to Read the Full Text and Cite

When you select an entry in the search results list, you will get more information about the article, including:

  • An abstract (summary)
  • Citation information
  • Relevant keywords
  • Links to related articles
  • Author affiliations


The PubMed results provide access to the citation information of an article. The article's full text may be available through links when provided.

1. To get the full text of the article in the database, select the link to full text.

2. To view the citation in the database, select the link to " Cite. Please proofread this citation before using it in your assignment. 

*If the full text is not available, ask a librarian for assistance or log in to ILLiad to request it for free through Interlibrary Loan.