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Foundations & Grants

The Alvin Sherman Library serves as a Funding Information Network Partner of Candid (formerly The Foundation Center) and provides a wide range of services to help those involved in preparing grants and soliciting funds from foundations.

Guide to Funding Research

Introduction to Finding Grants was created for the first-time grantseeker as a basic primer on the grantseeking process and as an introduction to some of the resources available with a special emphasis on those issued by Candid (formerly Foundation Center). 

Proposal Writing Short Course

The subject of Candid’s (formerly Foundation Center) Introduction to Proposal Writing is proposal writing. But the proposal does not stand alone. It must be part of a process of planning and of research on, outreach to, and cultivation of potential foundation and corporate donors...more.  This course covers the following...


Grant Writing Laboratory at NSU

  • Grant Writing Laboratory

    The NSU Grant Writing Laboratory provides a variety of valuable services to NSU faculty and professional staff members with the goal of improving success with grant-seeking, specifically focusing on obtaining funding for research grants.

Office of Sponsored Programs at NSU

  • Office of Sponsored Programs

    As a unit within the Office of Research and Technology Transfer, the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) mission is to foster NSU's research mission by providing support services and training to NSU faculty and staff in identifying, securing, managing, and ensuring compliance with external and internal funding for NSU's research, community service, and training initiatives.