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This guide is designed to help you find research and resources in the field of History.

Arab Spring (2010-2013)

The Arab Spring was a series of pro-democracy protests, uprisings, and rebellions in predominately Muslim countries that generally lasted from December 2010 to December 2012. This page is designed to help you find primary and secondary sources for research projects related to the Arab Spring events. This page is not exhaustive and more sources may be available through the library and Internet. 

Narrow Your Topic

The Arab Spring was a related group of protests across 19 countries with lasting social and geopolitical consequences to the present day. Narrow your research topic to a specific interest, for example:

  • Influence of social media
  • Authoritarian governments
  • Democratic elections
  • Human rights

Search Tips

Not sure where to start? The Arab Spring is a broad topic so search specific names, geographic place names, or uprisings. For example:

  • Jasmine Revolution
  • Zine El Abidine Ben Ali AND civic protest
  • Arab Spring AND Syria

Open Access Websites

  • North Africa & the Middle East 2011 - 2013
    • Blogs, social media, and news sites archived by the Internet Archive
  • NPR: Arab Spring
    • A special series from National Public Radio (NPR) coverage of the Arab Spring
  • r-Shief
    • An archive of social media collections, including multilingual tweets and YouTube Videos, about the Arab Spring
  • Tahrir Documents
    • An ongoing effort to archive and translate activist papers from the 2011 Egyptian uprising. Online access provided by UCLA

Find Books

Search the library catalog to find books and other resources about the Arab Spring.

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