Body Image: Body image refers to the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that a person has in relation to their own body. Its primary use is in relation to the perceived esthetics of the body, rather than its functionality. Although body image includes non‐evaluative beliefs about one's body, it is most commonly used to indicate satisfaction with the body, differentiating between people with “good” and “poor” body image. Extremely poor body image is the major criterion for the clinical diagnosis of body dysmorphic disorder. The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality
Body Positivity: Body positivity is a movement to accept bodies of all sizes and types, rather than those that conform to societal ideals of beauty. It emphasizes self-acceptance, inner worth, and appreciation for a body’s abilities. Psychology Today
Fatphobia: Also known as anti-fat, is the implicit and explicit bias of overweight individuals that is rooted in a sense of blame and presumed moral failing. Being overweight and/or fat is highly stigmatized in Western Culture. Anti-fatness is intrinsically linked to anti-blackness, racism, classism, misogyny, and many other systems of oppression. Boston Medical Center Glossary for Culture Transformation
Fat Acceptance: The fat acceptance movement promotes the equality of fat people in society. The movement embraces fat people, draws awareness to size discrimination, and fights to eliminate it. Psychology Today
Sizism: Discrimination on the basis of a person's size, esp against people considered to be overweight Collins English Dictionary
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