Primer-E can be found on all of the Oceanographic Campus Library's computer stations. This includes the PERMANOVA+ add-on.
Primer-E 7: Robust, widely applicable, statistical analysis of multivariate data, e.g. species assemblages, physico-chemical variables, genetic, microbial, biomarker, diet, RS, modelling etc data. A ‘standard’ for marine community & biodiversity research, increasingly used in terrestrial, freshwater & palaeo studies. Also widely used commercially for assessing environmental impacts of oilfields, discharges, mining, trawling, aquaculture. The methods make few, if any, assumptions about the form of the data ('non-metric' ordination and permutation tests are fundamental to the approach) and concentrate on approaches that are straightforward to understand and explain.
PERMANOVA+ is an add-on package for PRIMER. It was produced as a collaborative effort between Marti Anderson (Massey University, New Zealand) and Ray Gorley & Bob Clarke (PRIMER-E Ltd, Plymouth, UK). It extends the resemblance-based methods of PRIMER to allow the analysis of multivariate (or univariate) data in the context of more complex sampling structures, experimental designs and models. By adopting a more parametric approach it allows: partitioning variability according to one or more explanatory variables or factors; measuring or testing interactions among factors (which can only be defined by reference to modelled main effects); developing explicitly quantitative models with explanatory, discriminatory or predictive uses. It retains robustness by being totally resemblance and permutation based.
The OCL has a limited number of remote access product keys available for Primer-E. Product keys are available on a needs based and first come, first served basis. Please fill out the form below to request a temporary access key.
Manuals for Getting Started with Primer