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Finding Tests and Instruments

Resource for finding the text of tests

This tab will help you find a source that includes actual text of tests and measures, but they may not be formatted as administered.

APA PsycTests

Tips for using APA PsycTests:

  • Provides access to actual test, scale, and survey instruments, but not necessarily in the format used for testing.
  • Focuses primarily on unpublished tests, those developed by researchers but not made commercially available, but does contain indexing to some commercial tests.
  • Commercially available tests indexed by APA are also included, with links to purchase the instrument from the publisher.
  • Link to a variety of materials describing the test in peer-reviewed literature, technical reports, or dissertations as well as links to related peer-reviewed literature describing test development, review, or use.
  • Includes data on the scope of the test, test implementation, a high-level overview of the test's development, and reliability and validity data (when available).
  • More caveats: