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Conference Papers and Proceedings Resources
Elsevier SciTech Connect
Featuring posts by prominent Elsevier authors, employees, and other industry experts, SciTech Connect includes conference papers, technical reports and the latest research, resources, and information for the scientific community.
Proquest ERIC
Find social science related conference papers and proceedings in Proquest ERIC, the world's most widely used index to educational-related literature. ERIC is the largest education database, containing millions of journal articles, research reports, conference papers, dissertations, and books.
Are you looking for a digital home for your department's lecture series? Interested in learning more about what conferences have been hosted at NSU? Are you excited to share your research, but don't know where to start?
NSUWorks is a digital institutional repository housing published and unpublished works by the NSU community, including journal articles, books, theses, dissertations, reports, conference proceedings, teaching materials, data sets, university publications, and digital and multimedia collections.