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This guide covers topics related to finance and the financial system, including banking, financial technology, the capital market and digital currencies.


Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

  • BankFind Suite: allows you to locate current and former FDIC-insured banking institutions by name, FDIC certificate number, website and/or by location. The Suite also allows a user to follow the history and financial trends of an individual institution, group of institutions, or the industry as a whole.

Federal Reserve System

Federal Reserve Economic Data - St Louis

U.S. Commodities & Futures Trading Commission

US Department of the Treasury

  • Interest Rate Statistics - daily treasury par yield curve rates, daily treasury par real yield curve rates, daily treasury bill rates, daily treasury long-term rates and extrapolation factors, daily treasury real long-term rate averages.
  • Public debt reports - information about auctions, the debt, foreign holders of U.S. Debt and other data related to debt management policy.


American Bankers Association

Association for Finance Professionals

Bank of International Settlements

  • The BIS Quarterly Review examines developments in international banking and financial markets.
  • International banking statistics - These statistics cover the balance sheets of internationally active banks. Check the latest commentary in the analysis section. The Research section includes working papers, articles from BIS Quarterly Reviews and the latest statistical commentary.
  • Research on trending topics can be found here. Current trending topics are: covid 19, green finance, inflation and innovation and fintech.

International Monetary Fund

IMF Data access to microeconomic and financial data – have a look at the datasets by topic

Investment Company Institute

  • Investment Company Fact Book: A Review of Trends and Activities in the Investment Company Industry – this is a series that provides research and data on trends in the investment company industry. Published yearly.

Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association

  • Research and insights - extensive database of statistics on the capital markets and securities industry as well as reports from SIFMA Research and analysis and SIFMA Insights.

The World Bank