Access Medicine - McGraw-Hill (Also Access Pharmacy & Access Physiotherapy)
Full-text, illustrations, and expanded features from McGraw-Hill medical databases. Includes the latest edition of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine, and Schwartz's Surgery.
ClinicalKey - Elsevier
ClinicalKey offers searching of over 1000 books, 500 journals, and 2500 procedural videos, evidence-based and peer reviewed.
UpToDate - UpToDate
Illustrated, full-text, evidence-based topic guides provide clinical information on a wide variety of diseases and disorders including their diagnosis, management and therapy. Also includes drug information, as well as screening and prevention strategies
5 Minute Clinical Consult - Wolters Kluwer Health
This point of care diagnostic and patient management tool is designed to help support patient care decisions.