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Overview of Direct Export Process

Adapted from:


Direct Export from Databases and Websites

1. Search the database and mark records to save

2. Go to Cite (") or All save options (...) > select RIS (works with EndNote)

3. In Export/Save window > Check box Deselect items when done > Continue

4. Open the RIS file after download

5. Check the accuracy of the references that have been imported into EndNote


1. Search the database and mark records for saving using the Add to Folder option or select an individual record

2. Select Export (if folder has items go to Folder View > select items > click on Export

3. Choose Direct Export in RIS Format

4. Select Save

5. Open the RIS file after download

6. Check the accuracy of the references you have imported


1. Select the articles you wish to export, by checking the boxes to the left of the article titles or click on the title of an individual article.

2. Near the top of the page, select Send to > Citation Manager > Create File.

3. This will download an .nbib file. Once you open, references will be added to your EndNote library

4. Check the accuracy of the references you have imported




1. Search the database and select references to save

2. Select Export (located above the search results)

3. In the next screen/pop-up the default format is RIS format (Mendeley, EndNote) > Export

4. New window will open > Download

5. Opening file will add reference(s) into EndNote

6. Check the accuracy of the references you have imported




1. Search the database and select references to save

2. Click on Export (located above the search results) > select EndNote desktop

3. In the pop-up, under Record Content choose Full Record from the drop-down menu > Export

4. References will download, when you open the file they will be added to EndNote

5. Check the accuracy of the references you imported




1. Search for references in Google Scholar

2. Click on the Cite option below record that you want to save

3. Select EndNote link

4. File will download, when opened it will add the reference into EndNote

5. Check the accuracy of the reference you have imported

Note: Google Scholar only allows one record to be downloaded at a time unless you have signed up for a Google account


*Helpful when citing books

1. Search for reference and click on the title to open record

   Tip: Books may have different formats/versions/editions. Search by ISBN for accuracy

2. Select Cite/Export (located in the top right side of the screen)

3. In pop-up, select Export to EndNote/Reference Manager

4. Record will download, when opened it will add reference to EndNote

5. Check the accuracy of the reference you have imported



Journal websites and institutional and data repositories usually provide options for direct export.

Each site may look different but the general steps are the same.  See screenshots below for some examples:



Journal website



Journal website



University/institutional repository 



Data repository