Step 6: Add a Journals Term List
Why add a Journals Term List?
- Some databases import only the abbreviated journal name while your style may call for the full journal name – and vice versa.
- Let EndNote solve the problem! EndNote provides a Journals Term List, so the journal names in your bibliography are either the full name or the abbreviation, as your style requires without you manually changing the name!
- In EndNote, go to "Library > Open Term Lists > Journals Term List".

- If the Journal Term List is empty, skip to step 4. If not, highlight the first journal, and press [Ctrl]+A on the keyboard to highlight all the terms (on a Macintosh, this would be [Command]+A).
- Next, press the "Delete Term" button to the right.

- Now go to the "Lists" tab at the top, and click on the "Import List" button.

- Browse to the Term Lists folder within the EndNote folder, and choose the correct subject file(s)
- If you are on a Windows machine, this folder should default to:
C:\Program Files\EndNote (EndNote Version Number)\Term Lists
- If you are on a 64-bit Windows machine, this folder should default to:
C:\Program Files (X86)\EndNote (EndNote Version Number)\Term Lists
- If you are on a Mac, this folder should default to:
Hard Drive: Applications: EndNote (EndNote Version Number): Terms
- Choose the correct subject file (s) in the Term List (example: "Medical" for medical/health journal titles)
- This will import the correct abbreviations and full journal names for those subject journals. You may have to repeat these steps to do more than 1 terms list, as there are multiple.