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Business Case Studies

For students

John Molson MBA International Case Competition

Cengage Learning

Copenhagen Business School Case  Club


The following NSU Alvin Sherman Library guides list valuable resources available to our students as well as instructions on how to use them.


For faculty



Penn State

 The Case Centre

John Lawrence, University of Idaho, Kay Guess, Samford University, Rebecca Morris, Westfield State University 


Case writing competitions



North American Case Research Association - Case Research Journal - The CRJ is the leading academic journal for cases in business and related disciplines in North America. The Case Research Journal publishes outstanding field-research-based, decision focused teaching cases drawn from research in real organizations, dealing with issues in all administration-related disciplines. Occasionally, the Journal publishes papers concerning case research, case writing or case teaching. Keep an eye on their calls for cases. 

Please see the Books section of this guide.

Case Center

Case writing scholarships - ten Case Writing Scholarships are offered each year to both individuals and teams. You can apply if you are an unpublished case writer and a faculty member or PhD student with teaching responsibilities. Scholarship teams will share the financial award and send one member of their team on the free case writing workshop.