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OC Library EinScan-SE 3D Scanner

A guide to the use and best practices of the OCL's 3D scanner.

Scan Refinement

After making your initial scan, you may notice the scan failed to pick up parts of your object.  Clear gaps in your scan are missing data.  Sections in yellow are the 'inside' of scanned data; the scanner knows it is there but is extrapolating their existence.  These are not desirable for a finished scan and require refinement.  The shark jaw scan below shows both missing data and extrapolated data.

After you have accepted your current scan, you may attempt further scans.  These additional scans will be layered on to your initial scan.  Reorient your object by putting it on its side so the scanner can get new angles.  You may have to adjust the object with props or alter the scan brightness.  You may attempt an auto-scan or a fixed scan, depending on what data is missing.  The former is ideal for situations where you have multiple areas of missing or incomplete data and can safely adjust your object; the latter is better for situations where you need only one angle or where your object is not stable enough for the turntable.  Press the Continue Scan button to get another scan.

In cases where you only need one angle, consider editing and paring down your new scan to just the portions that were missing in the original scan.  This will cut down on file size and processing time.  In the case below, we have deleted everything but a missing section of the outer jaw.

Once you have edited your new scan to your satisfaction, the software will automatically layer the new scan atop the old one.  You may repeat this process, adjusting your object as necessary until you are satisfied with your scan.  Some sections of the scan may be unavoidably missing or incomplete, especially if they are deep crevices or dark sections of the object.

If the scan is misaligned, consider rescanning the object.  Alternatively you may try to use the manual alignment tool:
(This now looks like a puzzle piece!)


Note that this tool may not always work properly!  Two open spaces will be available on the top of the screen. Drag your Group 1 into the 'fixed scan' space, and drag your most recent scan into the further space.

Click and drag the scans so that they match as much as possible.  Then hold the shift key and click on one point on the top.  Shift-click on the same spot on the bottom to put a pin in the scan.  You will have to repeat 2 times.  The third time is not visible in the picture below because it'll immediately manually align the scan.

This will hopefully align your most recent scan.  If it does not align, try manually realigning again, or deleting the most recent scan.