The Oceanographic Campus Library has created several small tools to aid you in scanning your object:
You may also place items like heavy books adjacent to the turntable to prop up larger objects for the purposes of a fixed scan. Consider using this sort of prop to reduce the amount of an object scanned, which may make editing the scan easier. Sometimes smaller scans are much more efficient when filling scanning gaps.
Adjusting Brightness and reducing the scannable surface may also be useful in scanning difficult portions of your object.
Using your hands to hold an object is not advised- even small movements can disrupt the scan and make it unusable.
If an object is translucent and the scan isn't picking it up, consider covering the outside with a thin layer of white play-dough. Alternatively, try cutting out a piece of a Post-It note and sticking it to the side of the translucent section opposite of the camera.
Matte white nail polish has also been proven successful, and can be removed with nail polish remover afterwards.